Category Archives: press
peter bruyn weekly list: airports and ports
neil mason review: airports and ports
interview: complex distractions
juno records review: dead calm and zero degrees
‘Throwing enough arpeggiated keys and snare-topped beats to score a wealth of classic movies and TV shows.’
summer of soul @ langs de lijn en omstreken, npo radio 1 – 16 august 2021
complex distractions review: dead sea
‘The songs that make up these two 40-minute tracks would eventually go to create Hunter Complex’ masterful trilogy of Open Sea, Dead Calm and Zero Degrees, and Rain In Europe. That epic run of albums are explored here early in their creation, laid out in blistering live sets throughout The Netherlands. This is an intriguing exploration of the artist working out the art in real time. It’s a must for anyone that fell hard for Hunter Complex’ masterful music trilogy.’
prince – welcome 2 america @ jan willem start op, npo radio 2 – 30 july 2021
I got to talk a little about the new Prince album Welcome 2 America in the program Jan-Willem Start Op on Dutch national radio NPO Radio 2.
radio: audionautic radio (featuring the sea without an edge)
podcast: timothy fife’s transcommunication on two headed dog
Fragment starts at 39:34
Continue reading podcast: timothy fife’s transcommunication on two headed dog