Category Archives: press
radio: x-rated at concertzender with bob rusche (featuring a desert of sorts)
radio: dark train, wcr with kate bosworth (featuring a desert of sorts)
schokkend nieuws tip: live score ‘der golem, wie er in die welt kam’ @ imagine fantastic film festival, lab111, amsterdam – 30 october 2023
radio: the sound projector (featuring airports and ports ft. alexander hawkins)
mondo shop: airports and ports
the electroscope review: airports and ports
radio: urbant mutant by dj bleek (featuring the windburn is terrible and new arrival on the island)
gert verbeek year overview: airports and ports
absynth review: airports and ports

‘All of the musical guests on Airports and Ports help to create the addictive soundscapes that are on offer. Alexander Hawkins adds piano textures that grab hold of one’s ears, Aquiles Navarro sounds like no other trumpet player I’ve ever heard and creates scintillating sounds. Kat Epple’s flute performance is serene and ethereal, Justin Sweatt’s guitar work brings an otherworldly mood to the album and Jantijn Prins’ acoustic guitar weaves warm textures into the music. Coen Oscar Polack’s field recordings contribute more interesting sonic depth to the album.’