playlist: complex distractions favorite albums: jan-july 2019 (featuring crows zero) July 11, 2019playlistscomplex distractions, crows zero, open seaadmin Listen here
playlist: synthwave | retro 80s electronic by patrick spence (featuring white water) July 9, 2019playlists80s, electronic, open sea, patrick spence, retro, synthwave, white wateradmin Listen here
playlist: the new eclectic eighties #8, neon gorilla (featuring heat) June 16, 2019playlistsheat, neon gorilla, new eclectic eightiesadmin original article
playlist: rush hour store selections (featuring night city and the heart of high places) April 27, 2019playlistsnight city, open sea, rush hour, spotify, the heart of high placesadmin listen here
playlist: indiestad (featuring the heart of high places) April 8, 2019playlistsindiestad, open sea, paradiso, the heart of high placesadmin listen here original article
playlist: indie30 (featuring white water) March 9, 2019playlistsindie30, open sea, white wateradmin listen here